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A phone number that is sure to die!

The Dhaka Times Desk It is an eternal truth that animals are destined to die. However, a news that death is certain if you get a phone call has gone viral. What is the news?


Most of us know that there are many hotels where there is no room called room number 13. The reason is that this number is marked as 'haunted' or 'ghostly'. Likewise this one phone number is never used. That too is considered ghostly. It is known that those who used that number have died! Another number is 0888 888 888. This is a phone number from Bulgaria.

This number was first used by Mobitel CEO Vladimir Grasnov. Vladimir Grasnov died of cancer in 2001. It is said that one of his business enemies killed him by radioactive poisoning. Then this number was used by a mafia named Konstantin Dimitrov. He also died in 2003. Konstantin Dimitrov went to the Netherlands to see a drug ring. He was shot dead there. He was killed by the Russian mafia. His phone was with him when he died.

Then this number came into the hands of a businessman named Konstantin Dishilev. Who had to be killed by an assailant in 2005. He was murdered outside an Indian restaurant in Sofia, the capital of Bulgaria. This person was also involved in cocaine trafficking business. The edge of his murder is not yet. This number has been suspended since 2005. When you call this number, 'outside network coverage' appears. So the number is really mysterious.

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