The Dhaka Times
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This time, the US ambassador Bernikat saluted!

The Dhaka Times Desk Everyone saw Shakib's salute during yesterday's game. Marsha Blue Barnicut, the American ambassador to Bangladesh, responded to that salute!


He gave an honorary salute to the Bangladesh cricket team after they won against England in the Bangladesh-England second test match at Mirpur Stadium.

Today (Monday) Marsha Blue Barnicut posted a picture of the salute on the US Embassy Dhaka's verified Facebook page.

"Congratulations to Bangladesh cricket team for historic win in Test match against England," said the post with the saluting picture.


It should be noted that one of the world's best all-rounders, Shakib Al Hasan, bowled out English all-rounder Ben Stokes in yesterday's game. At this time, the audience of the whole stadium burst into excitement. The audience also saluted Shakib while bowling the next ball. This is the first such incident in the cricket history of Bangladesh. Yesterday (Sunday) Bangladesh won the historic victory by defeating England by a huge margin of 108 runs in the Dhaka Test. In the second innings, Miraj took 6 wickets and Shakib 4 wickets.

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