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The poison of the human body will be destroyed by snake poison!

The Dhaka Times Desk Everyone is shocked by such a news. The news is that the poison of the snake will destroy the poison of the human body! Scientists gave this news.


Scientists say, the body has the longest venom gland. The solution to relieve the pain of the human body is hidden in the poison of such a snake!

Its English name is Long Ganged Coral Snake. But in Southeast Asia this snake is called 'Killer of Killers'. Because their food is large and poisonous snakes like conch.
The venom of this coral snake, which averages 6.5 feet in length, is so strong that it takes effect as soon as it enters the body and the body starts convulsing.

According to a new research paper published in the toxicology magazine Toxins, this snake venom attacks the nerve receptors in the human body. That's why researchers think that pain relief will be possible using this poison.

Researchers at the University of Queensland in Australia. Brian Fry says that, “In most cases, snake venom works slowly. That is, your body will become paralyzed, you will feel drowsy and eventually you will die.”

But this snake's venom works very quickly. The reason is that this snake eats other poisonous snakes like it. So if the poison is delayed it will be dangerous.” Apart from this snake venom, scientists have also studied crab venom.

According to the news, this snake is not commonly seen. 80% of its habitat has been destroyed due to deforestation. Dr. in this research project. A group of scientists from China, the United States and Singapore are working with Fry.

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