Categories: international news

China launches J-20 fighter jet

The Dhaka Times Desk China has flown the J-20 fighter jet for the first time. After a long wait, China demonstrated the flight in Zhuhai, Guangdong province.

A meeting was also held between aircraft manufacturers and buyers in Zhuhai on this day. J-20 fighter jet was flown on this occasion. The plane was in the sky for only 60 seconds. By 2018, this J-20 fighter jet will be officially added to the Chinese Air Force.

It has been reported that the very fast J-20 fighter jet is capable of flying under radar. China's fifth-generation fighter jet is built by Chengdu Aerospace Corporation. It is a subsidiary of Aviation Industry Corporation of China.

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It is believed that China has developed J-20 fighter jet using advanced technology mainly to increase its strength in the military field to match the US. China wants to overtake the US in aviation business in the next decade.

This post was last modified on নভেম্বর ২, ২০১৬ 6:40 pm

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