The Dhaka Times
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Invented Uber flying car: 90-minute road will cross in just 6 minutes!

The Dhaka Times Desk A 90-minute distance can be crossed in just 6 minutes with Uber's invented flying car. Uber is bringing such a service.


It is known, long long traffic jam, how is it possible to reach the signal cut so fast? Of course, Uber will deliver by air, not by road. This cab service company is bringing flying car to public service.

The new project is called Uber Elevate. A special type of small aircraft will be used in this service.

According to the company, it is a small electronic aircraft. Which will fly vertically from the ground, will also descend in the same way. This vehicle will fly using three dimensional airspace. Uber has taken the initiative to provide such services to get rid of road jams.

After taking this initiative, Uber has started various plans. They also made the outline of this flying car on white paper. The company said that this service will be provided within the next 5 years.

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