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How to control anger

The Dhaka Times Desk Anger is not a disease. There will be anger, pride, happiness and sadness as people. But anger can cause many physical problems in people. Anger is not a disease, nor is it a mental problem. An expression of every healthy normal thinking person's emotions. Anger can arise as a result of any annoying, unwanted action. Anger can lead to a range of emotions from mild excitement to extreme excitement and rage. If we cannot control this emotion called anger, if this emotion manifests in an exaggerated form, then various problems arise.


When people get angry, there are three types of reactions that can be seen –

  • Mental, physical and practical. If one's head becomes hot as a result of anger, it is an emotional reaction.
  • Chest pounding, hands shaking when angry is a physical reaction; Hormones are released from various glands in the body which increase the heart rate.
  • Many times when people get angry, they hit the person they are angry with, while others keep quiet and wait for their anger to subside.

Anger, like other human emotions, causes several physiological changes, increased heart rate and blood pressure, increased release of adrenaline and noradrenaline hormones. Due to which people can suffer from various heart related problems including heart attack, stroke.

If we don't manage our anger, the tension it creates can lead to the end of many friendships, financial losses and health complications. In many cases, due to excessive anger, people lose control over themselves and get into various legal complications. So controlling anger is very important.

Do whatever you can to control anger Can:

1. Identify anger: First, be aware of your anger levels. Ask a colleague or someone around you to know how you feel when you are angry. Or look at yourself in the mirror.

2. Now identify the reason for the anger: Think about why you are angry. If jealousy of someone is the main cause of your anger, then think, that person might be feeling the same jealousy towards you.

3. Think what the solution is: Think about the feeling of suspicion that someone is very angry with you too. So put aside the anger and find a way to work together with everyone.

4. Judge your excitement: Are you treating others the way you expect them to treat you? Try to create a cooperative work environment through good behavior.

5. Sympathy: When the anger subsides, there is a kind of sympathy for the person with whom the anger was caused. Try to hold onto this empathy.

6. Communicate clearly: Be kind to everyone, including colleagues. Be clear in your communication. Control your emotions. Don't get angry on others because of your mistakes. of daily activities Give yourself some time in between. Think about yourself for at least 10 minutes every day.

Being angry is not wrong. People will surely get angry but it should be expressed in a polite and humble way, it is beneficial for oneself. Just as everything in life has to be balanced, the expression of emotions also has to be balanced.

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