The Dhaka Times
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"Hillary still has a chance to become president"!

The Dhaka Times Desk Various analyzes have been going on for the last two days about the presidential election of the United States of America. The whole world is shocked because Trump won. In such a situation, the new news is that Hillary still has a chance to become president!


Despite being popular and ahead in the polls, Hillary Clinton lost the US presidential election. Despite winning in their own strongholds, Hillary was lagging behind her rival Donald Trump in the main battleground. After Hillary's defeat, the tone of division is playing in America.

First, the state of California announced its withdrawal from the United States. Hillary won this state. The claim of the people of California is that their hopes and aspirations have nothing in common with those of other states. So they will leave America. The protests in California have spread to other states.

Hillary supporters said, they can't accept Trump as president at all. Naturally, Hillary Clinton suffered no less than her supporters after losing. They said, this loss will hurt him for a long time. However, Hillary urged supporters to accept Trump.

On Thursday, the influential American media New York Post wrote, Hillary's chances of becoming the US president are not over yet. There is still a way. And that way he can enter the White House as President. But that way is quite complicated. Although there are opportunities for this method, very few US presidents are elected using this method.

This alternative way is - according to the US Constitution, the electors selected by the Electoral College are the real voters who elect the US President. This year they will vote for the presidential election in their respective states on December 19. In this case, they are not bound to vote for a particular person. These electors can unite and put Hillary in the seat of the president!

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