The Dhaka Times
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Bobby will do the donation film 'Vriddhasram'

The Dhaka Times Desk Not only acting, actress Bobby has already written her name in the producer's books. Bobby will make the film 'Vriddhasram' on Donan's film.


It is known that he is currently shooting for his own film 'Bijli'. Currently shooting is going on in Europe. Iftekhar Chowdhury is directing this film.

Now a new news is that Bobby has been involved in a donation film. Bobby's new film is 'Vriddhasram'. This film will be directed by Swapan Chowdhury.


Bobby said in this regard, "The matter was being talked about for several days. I have read the story, I like it very much. Decided early on to work on it. I am currently out of the country for 'electricity' work. I will sign this film again."

Bobby also said, 'I have withdrawn from several films for my own film. I don't really want to increase the number of images. I want to work in a good film at least.'

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