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A very beautiful bird called Chakhachkhi

The Dhaka Times Desk good morning Saturday, 19 November 2016 Christ, 5 Agrahayan 1423 Bangabd, 18 Safar 1438 Hijri. Good morning everyone from The Dhaka Times. Happy birthday to all those whose birthday is today - happy birthday.


This eye-catching bird is an exceptional bird of Bangladesh. This bird is very beautiful. It is a historical bird of Bangladesh.

Ruddy Shelduck Scientific name: Tadorna ferruginea English name: Ruddy Shelduck, a species of large cinnamon colored duck. The scientific name of khakhachkhi means rust-colored hyacinth.

Their habitat covers a large area all over the world. Which is about 84 lakh 10 thousand square kilometers. Their number has decreased over the last few decades but has not reached an alarming level.

This bird migrates to Bangladesh in winter. This species is protected under the Wildlife Act of Bangladesh. There are 220,000 out of an estimated 170,000 in the entire world.

Chakhachkhi does not actually refer to a single duck, but to a pair of ducks. The male duck of the pair is called Chakha and the female duck is called Chakhi. Eyes are always in pairs and the bond of the pair is very strong. That is why they are called Chakhachkhi.

Image: Courtesy of Wonderful Bangladesh & Info:

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