The Dhaka Times
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Unbelievable event: a Thai young man married a cobra!

The Dhaka Times Desk When we see a snake, we tremble with fear. But that snake was pulled closer by many people. For example, a man in Thailand married a cobra!


The young man believes that his dead girlfriend has come to him in the form of a cobra. The man now lives with the cobra. They watch TV together, go to the lake, play games and even go to the gym, just like a married couple!

That Thai young man believes in Buddhism. And in Buddhism, it is said that after death, people take the body of any animal and come back to earth. And that is why the young man believes that his girlfriend who died five years ago has come back to him as a cobra.


In an interview given to the Daily Mail, the young man said, he never leaves the snake anywhere. Wherever the young man goes, the snake also accompanies him. Even when he goes to sleep, the 10 feet long cobra stays with him. He is not concerned at all. In a word, he is living with a snake!

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