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Congratulation to the 'Tarkariwali' Kusum through online!

The Dhaka Times Desk The 'Tarkariwali' Kusum that created a storm is still viral online. There is no end to people's interest in him. Still talking about that 'Tarkariwali' Kusum.

This Nepali girl Kusum is completely different from the other ten girls who are really sitting on the neck of their parents. He is helping his parents by selling curry. So he created an example for people.

The story of this Kusum was started by Nepali photographer Rupchandra Mahajan. He took the photograph of the young Nepalese vegetable seller with permission.

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Then posted two pictures on social media. After that, the picture of the young woman went viral on social media with the hashtag 'Tarkariwali' (#Tarkariwali).

In one picture, the girl is busy selling vegetables in the market with her mobile phone in her ear. Another picture shows a smiling walker carrying heavy vegetable baskets on the bridge connecting Gorkha and Chitwan.

Kusum Shrestha is the name of this young lady in green dress who is widely known on social media as 'Tarkariwali'. He lives in Devasthan village of Gorkha Bhumlichak in western Nepal.

Kusum Shrestha is studying management in class 11 in a school in Chitwan. Kusum is a girl from a very ordinary family. Their family lives by farming. Apart from studying, this kusum helps parents in selling vegetables. At first the girl's identity was not revealed but her identity came out after her picture went viral on social media.

However, the online world does not stop even after the identity is revealed. Kusum is still being written about constantly.

Many have applauded Kusum. Rehan Ahmed Nake wrote on Facebook, it is really a great thing to do such a thing to help the family financially and to relieve the pain of the parents. No neglect of work, no one is short on work. And I don't feel small. One day he will improve a lot. Best regards and best wishes for that.

Md. Rahim wrote, helping parents along with education. That's why everyone should pray for this sister.

A person named Nasir Mohammad wrote, I don't want to belittle him as Tarkariwali. How many bad things girls do in the urge to survive nowadays. But instead of doing that, this girl chose a better path. Thanks to this young lady.

Various comments have been made to Kusum. The reason is that it can be seen in our society that parents are responsible for education, clothing and everything. They may never notice whether those things are a burden for parents. But Kusum of Nepal has really set an example for our society. Because in our country sometimes someone does private teaching or some temporary job. However, the yellow of Nepal is being sold in the market far away! It is truly a wonderful scene. Why would anyone not praise such a person? Why he will not be an example to society? We applaud this Kusum. We hope that his journey will be pleasant.

This post was last modified on নভেম্বর ১৯, ২০১৬ 11:54 pm

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