The Dhaka Times Desk Now the video calling feature has been launched on WhatsApp. This service will be available in 180 countries around the world. Video calling won't cost anyone a dime for now!
But to use for free you need to have Wi-Fi. Video calls without Wi-Fi will be charged according to your mobile data plan.
Facebook-owned WhatsApp authorities have claimed that even if the internet speed is slow, users will not have much problem with this new video calling.
In this regard, WhatsApp co-founder Jan Koyum said, 'We want to provide this service to everyone, not just those who have expensive mobile phones.'
Jan Koyum also said that this new service will also be useful for low-cost mobiles. Like WhatsApp messages, video calling will also be encrypted. That's why the company claims that all your calls will remain confidential. WhatsApp is designed to compete with Apple's FaceTime and Microsoft's Skype.