The Dhaka Times
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Nadia Ahmed is busy with dancing and acting

The Dhaka Times Desk Nadia Ahmed is busy with dancing and acting. He is very busy with several dramas.


Nadia Ahmed is currently busy with acting. But Ek is not acting in any drama. He is currently busy shooting for about seven drama serials. Notable among these are:

'House of Rain'
'Clouds fall and clouds gather'
'fight', 'family'
'Mirror House'.


Apart from shooting these dramas, he is also scheduled to act in several new serial dramas. He is also giving a lot of time to his new family.

Along with acting, there is also a relationship with dancing. That is why Nadia will be seen dancing in five dance events this month. These dance programs will be held in Rajendrapur, Gazipur and Chittagong of the capital Dhaka. This popular actress Nadia Ahmed spends seven-five days of dancing and acting.

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