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This time in the home aquarium will have artificial fish!

The Dhaka Times Desk Creativity is like sitting in all our fields. This time such a news surprised everyone. This time in the home aquarium will have artificial fish!


Now there is no need to feed the fish in the aquarium, there will be no trouble like changing the water. Also, there are several interesting species of aquarium fish that do not have very long lifespans. Therefore, to give additional benefits to fish in the aquarium, Japanese scientists have created a type of fish that will last for a long time, that is, artificial fish!

Their artificial fish look like real live fish. There is no trouble in rearing this fish. Although it looks like a real fish, Japanese scientists have created this special fish. These are actually robot fish.

This fish was spotted at the recently held Tokyo Design Week. Japan's artificial intelligence robot company has demonstrated this robot fish. This fish can move in water like a real fish. LED lights are used on their heads and eyes, apart from the difference that they are not real fish, but artificial.

A visitor to the exhibition said, 'I have been observing the movements of the fish for a long time, the robot fish are very active'.

Robots have already done many jobs for people. Now perhaps it is the turn of the robots to get rid of the animals and birds!
