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Coca-Cola made a selfie bottle!

The Dhaka Times Desk Coca-Cola has created this world's first selfie bottle. They have developed a 'gadget' that makes it easy to take selfies while drinking coke.


According to a report, Coca-Cola Israel has developed a kind of 'gadget' as an alternative to the selfie stick that will make it possible to take a selfie while drinking a coke very easily. This world-famous company has added a gadget with a camera to a 500ml coke bottle. When the bottle tilts 70 degrees, it automatically starts taking pictures. Later the images can be transferred through the USB port.

Of course, you don't have to hold a bottle to your mouth to take a selfie. It stays at 70 degrees only when drinking Coke through the mouth of the bottle, and that's when the camera automatically takes the picture.

This selfie bottle was created by an Israeli advertising agency called Giffen Team. Coca-Cola, the world famous soft drink, has adopted this strategy so that customers attending parties can take selfies with Coca-Cola and post them on Snapchat, Instagram and Facebook.

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