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It will take only 13 minutes for Russia to attack the United States!

The Dhaka Times Desk Russia has successfully tested a new missile. With this nuclear bomb, it is possible to hit the United States in just 12 minutes!


Named Object 4202, this missile travels faster than sound. That is why it can penetrate the missile defense system of the military alliance NATO.

According to media reports, the new missile test was recently conducted from the Yasni launch center in the Kamchatka Peninsula in the eastern part of Russia. It covers a distance of thousands of miles. After launch, the missile reached a speed of 4,000 miles per hour.

Intercepting Russia's supersonic missiles is a virtually impossible task. Not even NATO's defense system can stop it.

According to the report of the press Salon, the Object 4202 missile can reach the coast of the United Kingdom in just 13 minutes. Not only that, the US missile defense system and radar will not catch it!

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