The Dhaka Times Desk Due to lack of charge in mobile we have to get into trouble. But only a few seconds of charge can run for several weeks! Surprisingly, this is true.
Scientists are going to make this unimaginable thing a reality. A team of scientists at the University of Central Florida has developed a supercapacitor battery prototype that can provide 20 times more backup than conventional batteries. This battery will charge in just a few seconds, which will last a whole week!
Scientist Nitin Chowdhury said, if you replace the current battery of your mobile and use this supercapacitor, your mobile will be fully charged in just a few seconds. With which there will be no need to charge for the next week.
Common batteries on the market today start to downgrade after a year and a half. Due to which the total backup capacity is constantly decreasing. But this new battery will not be downgraded. Will work like new after 30,000 charges!
Supercapacitors will store energy statically, whereas current batteries rely on chemical reactions, so energy is depleted. By using graphene, the researchers created a large surface area that can hold more electrons and increase battery life.
However, it is still in the prototype stage. So customers will have to wait until this battery is commercially available.