The Dhaka Times
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Shocking information leaked about Shakib-Apu's child!

The Dhaka Times Desk Apu Biswas, the popular heroine of the film Dhakai, has been hearing rumors about her since she went into hiding. Shakib-Apu's child has leaked sensational information!


Although it has been discussed for a long time that actor Shakib Khan has a strong hand behind Apu's disappearance, a new rumor was flying in Chitrapara a few days ago.

The new news is that Apu Biswas is the mother of Shakib Khan's child. Recently, a picture of a baby was shared on social media and it is said that it is the child of Shakib-Apu duo. The child whose face is similar to Shakib Khan. Which has already gone viral in the online world.

Especially among the members of the Facebook group on 'Bangla film' there is a lot of criticism about the film. Some members have said again, if this is really Shakib Khan's son, many have questioned the reason for his denial. Many have also politely urged Shakib Khan to accept his child.


Various sources claim that Apu Biswas became the mother of a son in a hospital in Siliguri this month. Now Apu Biswas will return to the country only if Shakib Khan wants. However, as usual, Shakib Khan is keeping silent on this issue as mentioned in the news media. But what Shakib wants to reveal the news of his marriage and children? Such questions are now circulating in the offline-online world. But if Shakib doesn't want to, maybe Apui will tell everything in the end - everyone is saying that.


Along with this, there are new rumors that Apu Biswas can return to the country with his child next month. And then return or hold a press conference. Although Shakib Khan is claiming that the matter is baseless - such news has been published in many media.

But everything will be clear only if Apu Biswas really comes out in public and holds a press conference and tells the truth to the reporters. But everyone has to wait for that.

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