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Breaking news: 6 of the 81 passengers of the crashed plane in Colombia are alive!

The Dhaka Times Desk Six of the 81 aboard a plane carrying a Brazilian soccer team that crashed in Colombia have survived. This information was obtained from media sources.


Colombia's aviation authority said the plane was carrying 72 passengers and nine crew members, including players from Brazilian soccer club Chapecoense.

The plane crashed in the Rionegro area near the Colombian city of Medellin at midnight on Monday. Colombian aviation officials said in a statement that the plane displayed an emergency signal while it was between the municipalities of La Ceja and La Union. Moments later, the plane crashed near Medellin.

Aviation authorities initially said that 3 players, 2 crew members and 1 journalist survived the accident.

Of the 6 survivors, at least 2 football players and 1 crew member. The 2 players who survived were - Alan Luciano Rachel and Jackson Ragnar. And Jimena Suarez, an icon, survives. The identities of the remaining 3 survivors are not known.

According to air traffic controller Palamas, the plane took off from Bolivia's Viru Viru airport at 6:18 p.m. local time.

Although the cause of the accident is not yet clear, the officials said that those who were rescued alive have been taken to the hospital. Photographs of the crash site show pieces of the wrecked plane strewn about.

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