The Dhaka Times
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Parimony in the role of a mountain girl!

The Dhaka Times Desk Currently popular actress Parimony is acting in various roles one after another. This time Parimoni will be seen in the role of a mountain girl.


The story is just like this: simple hill girl Chandni (Parimani)'s poor family. The small family goes from mountain to mountain collecting wood. Parimony is playing the role of Chandni, the hill girl of Dhaliwood.

If everything goes well, Parimoni will be seen in the title role of this new film 'Chandni'. Dhaliwood girl Parimony signed the film last week.


It is known that Parimoni loves mountains. There will be shooting, this is a very happy news for him. Parimoni said, 'I have never acted in such a role before. Mountains have always been thrilling to me. I hope we can do the work together in that environment.'

New hero Asif Noor will act opposite Pariman in 'Chandni'. Director Shamimul Islam said that the shooting of the film is scheduled to begin in Bandarban at the end of next February.

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