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The Tragedy of Savar The cries of the bereaved are not over yet

The Dhaka Times Desk The rescue operation of the Savar tragedy has ended but the cries of the bereaved still remain. Relatives are still thronging there. No one knows when the mourning of the bereaved will end.

Rana Plaza in Savar has been cordoned off after the army's rescue operation was completed and the district administration was made aware of the responsibility. There are crowds of people every day. Especially those whose relatives have not yet been found are still crowding the barbed wire fence. It is as if they cannot accept that they will not get back alive but they will not get the body back either. That is why the air around Savar Rana Plaza is still heavy with the cries of relatives.

There is still a strong smell coming out of the wire fence. Relatives there are lamenting, 'Even after so many days, the smell has not gone away. The magic of gold has gone. This is where I think my Maiada is.' Mother Morjina Begum was lamenting with the photo of her daughter Rekha Khatun. Once he said, 'Father, it was difficult to run a family with six children. Dad can't drive a rickshaw properly. For this reason, elder maids came in handy to help the family. I don't understand, I will mix with bricks.' Morjina Begum of Gandfa area of Mymensingh along with her husband Azizul has been searching for her daughter in Savar for 25 days.

Many more are looking for their relatives. When will their hopes be met? This mourning of relatives will never end? Now only this question is coming back to haunt everyone.

It is to be noted that the rescue operation went on for 20 days after the building collapsed in Rana Plaza of Savar Bazar on April 24. The rescue operation ended on May 13. From there, 2500 people were rescued alive and 1127 dead bodies. 556 people are still missing.

This post was last modified on মে ১৯, ২০১৩ 5:38 pm

Staff reporter

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