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Pepper powder will save life in just one minute! But how?

The Dhaka Times Desk We know that most heart disease patients die. But if we can be a little aware then it is possible to save the life of a person suffering from heart attack very easily.


Chilli powder is used in cooking. Did you know - this chili powder can save the life of a person suffering from heart disease?

So today let's know how this chili powder can save the life of a person suffering from heart disease:

First take a glass of water. Then add some chili powder and stir. Remember of course, the mixture should be done in such a way that it takes a lot of salt. Then put a few drops of the mixture under the tongue of the person suffering from heart disease. Now you are done. In just one minute, you will see the person suffering from heart disease slowly recovering!

American cardiologist John Christopher said, this is one of the ways to save people's lives very simply and quickly. You can test it by treating a person with heart disease in this way.

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