The Dhaka Times
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What is this mysterious object?

The Dhaka Times Desk A mysterious object was found on Muriwai Beach in Auckland Island, New Zealand. What is that strange looking object? This question is on everyone's mind.


This incident caused quite a stir among the local residents. Whether this object is an alien vehicle, a dead whale, part of a sunken ship, or a monster - the whole area is abuzz with debate.

It is known that this object was first seen by a person named Melissa Doubleday. He was driving near Muriwai beach. Suddenly he saw the object covered with snails all over his body. He immediately took some pictures of it.


Posting the photos on social media, Melissa wrote, 'So curious, does anyone know what this is?' After that, many kinds of fabricated comments started coming.

'When I approached the object, it looked like the melted body of a dead whale,' said Melissa. Totally weird.'

In reality the situation is completely different. It was not a spaceship or a monster, but a piece of wood covered with snails. Usually those pieces of wood float in sea water. The object was part of the various debris caused by a recent 7.8 magnitude earthquake in New Zealand.

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