Categories: health talk

Eat fresh fruit to avoid dehydration

The Dhaka Times Desk Dehydration can occur in our body in summer. Dehydration causes the body to be tired and lethargic. Due to dehydration in the human body, there is a possibility of heat stroke. Now is the hot season, the real time for dehydration. So at this time to keep the body free from dehydration i.e. drink plenty of water and eat fresh fruits.

In hot weather, water comes out of our body through sweat and tries to keep the body cool. This is why we sweat more in hot season. As a result, the body needs a lot of water in hot season. If the body is dehydrated, various complications can occur including vomiting, headache, fever, together they are called dehydration.

To avoid dehydration, we need to drink plenty of water as well as various fruit juices at this time. Drinks made with artificial sugar must be avoided when drinking water or juice. Fruit juices sold by bulk are not good for health.

Meanwhile, Indian nutritionist Sushita Rao said, "There is no alternative to watermelon to avoid dehydration in summer, watermelon contains anti-oxidants that reduce thirst and help to eliminate dehydration."

Watermelon is a fruit rich in vitamin 'A' and 'C'. Watermelon contains 97 percent water, so it is good to eat watermelon in summer, because it helps to restore the water that is lost from the body due to continuous sweating. Apart from this, jackfruit, black jam, mango have a lot of sugars, meat, vitamins and mineral salts. Which if eaten fresh will save you from dehydration, heat stroke in summer.

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Eat whole and ripe fruits to avoid dehydration. When fruit is cooked, the carbohydrates and nutrient salts of the fruit are lost. You can make fruit salad and eat it. Eat fruits like apple, guava, cucumber without peeling them. Because the peel of these fruits contains fiber. Fiber is rich in vitamins and carbohydrates.

Data sources: India Today.

This post was last modified on ডিসেম্বর ২১, ২০২২ 12:48 pm


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