The Dhaka Times Desk Popular actress Jaya Ahsan is a popular actress nowadays. While recalling his childhood, he said, 'It was easy to steal from me'!
Jaya Ahsan is dominating the film industry of two Bengals. Jaya is currently staying in Kolkata. Jaya recently faced an Indian press. He reminisced about his childhood.
While reminiscing, Jaya Ahsan said, 'When I was studying in class four, I used to live in a hostel. I was a junior there. There, the elder sister used to study in class nine-ten. Prasad was given during the puja. At that time you used to steal prasad from me instead of stealing it yourself. And I definitely did. Especially this fun used to be during Durga Puja.'
Jaya said, 'I used to look very carefree and innocent. No one would believe that a girl like me could steal, by the looks of it. So it was easy to steal from me. But you used to take everything I stole.' This is how Jaya candidly said about spending the sweet time of childhood.
Many such childhood memories still haunt Jaya. Childhood memories are never forgotten. Those days were very good. Even today, the popular actress said that she still remembers the golden days of her childhood.