The Dhaka Times
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Gold is found in the dust of the road!

The Dhaka Times Desk Gold is found in the dust of the road! It is natural that one would be surprised to hear such a thing, but the fact is true.


The true meaning of finding gold in street dust can be found in Kolkata's big bazaar or baw bazaar. From early morning, the people there started to collect dust with a thong in hand. From children to old people - everyone lives in this group.

A great busy affair. At first glance, it may seem like eating a lot of vabachaka, you can even eat a few vimri. But the interesting thing is that many valuable things are hidden in this dust. With which many live their lives. It is natural that many people will be interested after hearing this.

The fact is that Sealdah's Bou Bazar or Kolkata's Barabazar is basically known as Sona Patti. Not only are there big gold shops here, but there are many small shops of goldsmiths along the streets. They work 24 hours a day to make gold jewelry. Gold dust that falls on the ground during jewelry making is so fine that it cannot be used. When the shop is swept morning and night, gold dust mixes with the dust. The interesting thing is that many people from nearby slums come here to collect the dust mixed with gold. They gather here before the shops open in the morning. Whoever goes first will collect more dust, and he will make more profit.

They soak the dust they gather throughout the day in water at night to extract gold from the dust. All the dust settles down in the water, and then the gold dust floats in the water. So they strain it and separate it. The entire work is done in this process.

A gold shopkeeper in Bau Bazar said that the work of sorting gold from dust has been going on for a long time. Many people are associated with this work. The gold powder extracted from their dust is bought at a low price!

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