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LG has brought a 10-inch tablet

The Dhaka Times Desk South Korean technology manufacturer LG has launched a new 10-inch tablet. Its model is 'G Pad 3 10.1 LTE'.


The main feature of this LG tablet is that it can be folded up to 70 degrees. It has a 10.1 inch full HD display. Its resolution is 1920 by 1200 pixels. This tablet will run continuously for a long time without interruption. The company claims that the display of this device is not sensitive to light, due to which there is no harm to the eyes while operating the tab and it is user-friendly.

Running Android 6.0 Marshmallow operating system, the tablet features:

# Octacore 1.5 GHz processor
# 2 GB RAM
# 32GB internal storage. Which can be expanded up to 2 terabytes with a micro SD card
The # tablet has 5 megapixel cameras on the rear and front cameras
# This is Wi-Fi 802
# Bluetooth V4.2
# will support USB Type-C network
The battery of the # tab is 6000 mAh.

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