The Dhaka Times
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Drama 'Fand Fokar' about the brutal history of the liberation war of 1971.

The Dhaka Times Desk So far, many films, dramas and telefilms have been produced to highlight the true history of the Liberation War. The drama 'Fand Fokar' has been produced in this continuation.


The brutal history of independence has been revealed in the play 'Fand Fokar'. And this work has been done by Asfaq Nipun. Under his direction, the history of the liberation war has emerged through the drama titled 'Fand Fokar'.

Jeevan Roy of 'Fair and Lovely Man Channel I Hero' Top Ten has played the central role in the drama 'Fand Phokar'. Nusrat Jahan Khan Neepa acted opposite him in the drama. Also starring, Abul Hayat, Nader Chowdhury, Marjuk Russell, Yasir Sohag, Aminul Haque Helal. The drama will be aired on 'Channel I' on January 6 (Friday).

Jeevan Roy said about the play, 'Of course it is a matter of great joy for me, because I can work under the direction of such a talented director at the beginning of my career. Besides, there are many Sinion artistes with me in this play from whom I have learned a lot.'

During the long 9 month war, many people migrated to India to save themselves. Again, no one has left the country because of the pull of his country and native soil. Basically, 'Fand Phokar' is based on the story of such a family.

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