The Dhaka Times
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'Adam Kidron' is delivering Bengali songs to the world court!

The Dhaka Times Desk Not only Bengalis, now foreigners are also getting interested in Bengal. As was the case with Adam Kidron. He is delivering Bengali music to the world court.


Adam Kidron founded Yonder Music Apps in May 2014. Currently serving as the Chief Executive Officer of this organization. On May 24, 2016, this company started its journey to Bangladesh with the help of mobile operator company Robi.

This organization is bringing Bengali songs to the audience through Yonder Music Apps. Bengali songs are being delivered not only in Bangladesh but also to the audience of different countries of the world along with English songs.

In this regard, Adam Kidron said, with the help of Robi, we organized a concert in Chittagong titled 'Dakche Chittagong'. However, Robi wanted to do something different for their customers in Chittagong. We have come forward in response to Ravi's invitation.

He said, through this concert, we want to take Bengali music further. Bengali music has already progressed a lot. There are many good songs here. We will easily deliver these songs to the audience through Yonder Apps. We will deliver Bengali songs not only to the audience of Bangladesh, but also to the music-loving audience of the world.

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