The Dhaka Times
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Tahsan New Song 'Priya Asukh' [VIDEO]

The Dhaka Times Desk At the end of the year, popular singer Tahsan's new song 'Priya Asukh' created a stir among the readers.


Popular musician Tahsan started the year with 'Chip Noka' and ended the year with 'Priya Asukh'. Recently, the music video of Tahsan's new song titled 'Priya Asukh' has been released. The song has been viewed nearly six lakh times in just a few days of its release. Many people are praising not only the song but also the video.

Many also wanted to know the name of the place where the video was shot. Because the locations where the video is shot are very beautiful. Apart from the singer, everyone also praised the models. They expect more such beautiful works from the beloved singer. Tahsan also thanked the fans for their appreciation.


It is known that Tushar Hasan wrote the song 'Priya Asukh'. Iqbal Asif and Shaon Ganwala composed and composed the song. The song is composed by Iqbal Asif. The video of the song was directed by Shahriar Palak. Imran Ahmed and Iffat Trisha are the models in Tahsan's song video.

Watch the video of the song

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