Categories: entertainment

Anisul's pen, Bachchu's guitar and Jalil's clothes were auctioned!

The Dhaka Times Desk We have seen the world's most famous people's personal belongings go up for auction. However, this is probably the first time such an incident has happened in Bangladesh. Anisul's pen, Bachchu's guitar and Jalil's clothes were auctioned!

This time an exceptional incident happened in Bangladesh. The country's renowned music artist Ayub Bachchu's guitar, mayor Anisul Haque's pen and film hero Anant Jalil's used clothes are up for auction. Also, the 'famous' handbag stolen from the Netherlands ambassador is also up for auction.

These items are auctioned not for anyone's personal interest, the proceeds from the auction will be spent on charity. It is said that this fancy auction has been organized to buy 20,000 blankets for the cold. Online activists Arif and Hossain are behind such a novel initiative.

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It is known that national stars will participate in this event called 'Project Blanket - Charity Gala'. But not only personal items, but also the chance to spend time with the stars are being auctioned.

Popular music artist Tahsan has given an opportunity to spend an evening with him for this charity.

Mayor Anisul Haque is offering the highest bidder at the charity auction a private lunch with him. While having lunch in private, listen to the ideas about this city of Dhaka. A bit like being the mayor's advisor for a day.

আইয়ুব বাচ্চু তার গিটার নিলামে তুলেই থেমে থাকনেনি তিনি নিলামের সর্বোচ্চ বিডারের বাড়িতে গিয়ে ডাল-ভাত খাবারও আবদার করেছেন। আইয়ুব বাচ্চু বলেছেন- যদি বলা হয়, ‘ভাই ওই লোকটার বাসায় যেয়ে কনুই ডুবিয়ে চারটা ডাল-ভাত খেয়ে আসতে হবে… তাও যাবো… কিছু পাগলামির কারণে যদি কিছু কম্বল ওঠে, ক্ষতি তো দেখি না… কম্বলের সঙ্গে আমি ছিলাম-আছি-থাকবো।’

On the other hand, Dhakai film hero Abdul Jalil is going to auction at least his 'Dhakar Pola Very Very Smart' song costume to buy blankets for winter. Not only that, on that day he himself will appear at the auction event with some other used items.

Professor Abdullah Abu Saeed, the founder of World Literature Center, is participating in this event of Project Kambal. The 'Project Blanket Charity Gala' will be held today on December 25 from 4 pm to 7 pm.

This exceptional auction is going to be held at the Grand Ballroom of Hotel Amari in Gulshan of the capital. The minimum fee to participate in the auction is 10 blankets ie 2 thousand taka!

This post was last modified on ডিসেম্বর ২৫, ২০১৬ 2:58 pm

Staff reporter

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