Categories: international news

A person got a hand after 32 years of birth!

The Dhaka Times Desk A person born without hands got hands after 32 years! A recently deceased man's hand was amputated in the name of his father.

The famous surgeon Dr. Wroclaw University of Poland was successful in the incident that happened for the first time in the world. Adam Domanasiwiec.

Dr. claimed that it is the first case in the world to transplant an organ taken from a dead person to an older person. Adam Domanasiwiec.

The 32-year-old man has lived without hands for 32 years. However, with the hand donated by the deceased. The hand was attached in a special 13-hour operation led by Adam Domanasiwiec.

At present the patient can only move his arm. However, the doctors are optimistic that he will soon recover completely and will be able to perform all activities normally.

So far, surgeons have been able to separate two twins in Indonesia and Canada. However, a total of 80 hand transplant operations are performed in the world. But this is the first operation in the world to transplant an organ from a dead person.

However, the deceased who donated the precious hand to a physically challenged person before his death, his name or identity was not disclosed.

This post was last modified on ডিসেম্বর ২৫, ২০১৬ 3:32 pm

Staff reporter

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