Categories: entertainment

Deepjol is returning to films: the name of the new film is 'Ek Croti Taka'

The Dhaka Times Desk Popular actor Manowar Hossain Dipzal is returning to the movies again. He will act in two films together next year.

Deepjal's two new films are 'Ek Koti Taka' and 'Meghla'. The Maharat of both films is scheduled to be held on December 31. The two films will be directed by Chhatku Ahmed and Dipzol's daughter Olija Manowar respectively.

The director of the film, Chhatku Ahmed, said that he will start shooting for the film 'Ek Koti Taka' on the first day of the new year.

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এ বিষয়ে ছটকু আহমেদ বলেন ‘মনোয়ার হোসের ডিপজল সব সময় গল্পনির্ভর ছবি নিয়ে দর্শকদের সামনে হাজির হতে পছন্দ করেন। আমি মনে করি উনার মতো শিল্পীরা চলচ্চিত্র হতে সরে যাওয়ার কারণে দর্শক আগের মতো সিনেমা হলে আসছে না। দর্শকদের হলে ফেরাতে চাইলে প্রথমে ডিপজলের মতো শিল্পীদের চলচ্চিত্রে ফেরাতে হবে।’

Talking about the story of the film, Chhatku Ahmed said, 'A little girl gets one crore rupees in the lottery. The people of the society make the girl's life miserable in the end due to the greed of money. At one time, with the help of Deepjol, the girl started living a beautiful life. Many such incidents are happening in our society. Through this film we want to give a beautiful message to the society. Deepjol will play the lead role in the film. However, we have not yet finalized who will play the role of the child artist.

It should be noted that for a long time Manowar Hossain Dipzal has not signed any new film. Deepjol starrer 'Anek Dame Kena' was the latest release this year. This film is directed by Zakir Hossain Raju.

This post was last modified on ডিসেম্বর ২৬, ২০১৬ 7:35 pm

Staff reporter

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