Categories: entertainment

Sultan Suleiman's pasha and musician Asif

The Dhaka Times Desk Music artist Asif has now revealed the sad details about the TV drama on his Facebook. He also commented on Sultan Suleiman's dice.

The statements were just like that. From that childhood, I grew up watching on BTV such as morning and evening, I live in Dhaka, Ayomoy, Sanshaptak, these days and nights, Bahubrihi, Kare Keke Nei - including many timeless TV serials. At that time, even though there was no television in every home, everyone watched these serials in a festive atmosphere. Those days are gone. At present, the number of TV channels in Dhaka city is more than the market, there is online nuisance.

Recently, Deep TV has been showing the story of Sultan Suleiman, the ruler of the Ottoman Empire in the sixteenth century. Although Sultan is not in the world, his aggression is going on in Dhaka now. As our esteemed theater workers are forced to take to the streets, their patriotism must have a partial respect.

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At one time there was only one TV channel in this country, BTV. Completed fifty two years. It once alone drove the love wheel of the culture of the people of this country. Then I saw Folguy, Dallas, C · Million Dollar Man, Gemini Man, Chips, Charlie's Angels, Land of the Joys, Man from Atlantis, Knight Rider, MacGyver, Wonder Woman, Tarzan and numerous English TV serials.

Dubbed Nepali or Iranian films. Culture is one thing, and bad eyesight is another thing. Bangladesh in the heart and business in the mind - this formula has a solid position in the market. But we have to admit that Sultan Suleiman has made us the national TV headliner again. So watch Sultan Suleiman, learn. Don't just keep your eyes on the harem, let's remove the veil from our eyes. When Sultan Suleiman is closed, you will feel that there is no one anywhere - we went to the streets even if we could not stop the hanging of Baker's brother in the serial. If necessary, this dice of Sultan Suleiman will come down again... Love is endless.
The news published in the media about the information received from the singer's Facebook.

This post was last modified on জানুয়ারি ১, ২০১৭ 9:10 pm

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