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Trump is afraid of e-mail!

The Dhaka Times Desk The new President of the United States, Donald Trump, wants to get any important message through the traditional way. Because he is afraid of e-mail.


The UK's Daily Mail reported that the new US president's fear of e-mails was revealed in his New Year's Eve speech in New York.

"If something's really important, I'd say write it down and send it to somebody, just like the old days," Trump told reporters.

Why such thinking, Trump also informed that, "The reason is that no computer is safe."

Despite frequent tweeting, Trump, who owns a vast empire, rarely uses e-mail and computers, the Daily Mail said.

Hillary, whom Trump lost in this year's presidential election, also had to deal with the e-mail scandal.

While Secretary of State, Hillary was accused of using private emails for official purposes. The FBI announced its investigation in the month before the vote, and it had a major impact on the vote.

Democrat Hillary Clinton largely blamed the FBI's handling of the e-mails for her loss to Republican Trump; However, the FBI later said they found no corruption on Hillary's part.

Donald Trump, who is going to take over the duties of the President of the United States on January 20, has already been warned by the fact that this email has hurt Hillary.

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