Categories: entertainment

Sujata wants to be regular in acting again

The Dhaka Times Desk Once a film heroine, now a talented actress Sujata has been behind the scenes for a long time. This once popular actress wants to be regular in acting again.

After acting non-stop in films for a long time, he became busy on the small screen. Then suddenly he became silent. He spends a lot of time in the mood of a holiday.

After being silent, she wants to be regular in films and plays again. Although occasionally acted in some films and dramas. But the legendary actress is not satisfied with that. And so he wants to be regular in acting. For that reason, he has made a special request to the makers of the film and drama, if there is an opportunity to work with him, then they must be given the opportunity to work according to his character.

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Sujata says that, 'There was a time when I was busy shooting every day. But now is not that age, nor is there time. But I have a strong desire to work. I am also physically healthy. Therefore, I am interested to leave retirement and become regular at work.

After his statement, the audience thinks that he may be seen again on the big or small screen very soon. It is hoped that the audience will see this talented actress again.

This post was last modified on জানুয়ারি ৩, ২০১৭ 10:12 pm

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