The Dhaka Times
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Apple is bringing changes to the new iPhone

The Dhaka Times Desk Apple is going to bring a completely new design iPhone in 2017. There are many rumors about this issue in the technology world.

নতুন আইফোনে পরিবর্তন আনছে অ্যাপল 1

Some pictures have also been published. The leaked images are claimed to be of the iPhone 8. iPhone – After iPhone 5, Apple did not bring any design changes. The iPhone 6 comes with some changes. However, there is no visible change in the iPhone 7.

It is known that Apple will not bring the previous design this time. Everything will be radically changed iPhone. It is believed that this iPhone will have curved glass on the right and left sides of the screen. A toughened glass structure can be used instead of a metal body.

The camera, processor and memory system are also likely to undergo significant changes. Which can define the new standard of smartphone.

It should be noted that the rumors about the new iPhone have been widely accepted. These were revealed by a company that makes Apple products. It is believed that someone who works in that company may have leaked the new iPhone picture!

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