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61 percent are skeptical about the future of the United States because Trump is president!

The Dhaka Times Desk Donald Trump is going to take oath as the president of the country with the lowest popularity in the history of the last 40 years. 61 percent of people are skeptical about the future of the United States!

ট্রাম্প প্রেসিডেন্ট হওয়ায় যুক্তরাষ্ট্রের ভবিষ্যত নিয়ে সন্দিহান ৬১ শতাংশ! 1

60 percent of American citizens dislike the change of power in the White House. Newly elected President Donald Trump will be sworn in as the new president next Friday.

Barack Obama's approval rating was 80 percent when he took over from George W. Bush. This information was revealed in the results of a public opinion poll by ABC News and Washington Post. Polls show that only 40 percent of people list Trump's preferences for his administration as president; Liked it. Barack Obama's clemency rate was 79 percent.

Despite such a dip in popularity on the eve of the White House, there is also a kind of optimism among the public about Donald Trump. 60 percent of Americans think Trump will do "very well" or "good" as president. The poll found that 56 percent of people expect Donald Trump to do well in fighting extremism.

The rate of skepticism about Donald Trump as president is very high. According to the survey, 61 percent of the people are skeptical about Trump's various decisions about the future of the country.

When Obama first took office, 61 percent of the public expressed hope that his future decisions would be good for the country.

Polls by ABC News and The Washington Post show, among other things, that most Americans view Trump and the US media as antagonistic to each other. 57 percent think Trump does not treat the media well. On the other hand, 38 percent think that the media is not treating Donald Trump right.

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