Microsoft's new technology: 'tablet when you open your smartphone'

The Dhaka Times Desk Microsoft has filed a new patent. It talks about a technology device that can easily convert a phone into a tab.

According to media reports, this hinge allows the phone to be used much like Lenovo's Yoga Tab. This means it can be set up like a tent!

The technology website The Verge reported in a report that the size of the device will be increased with two or three screens. It will have Microsoft's original Courier concept.

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Microsoft is also working on a new version of the Syface Pro-Tab. It is expected to arrive early this year. The new Surface Pro will be 5.2 inches. Ultra-HD display and magnetic charging stylus will be its unique features. It will be manufactured by Pegatron Technology.

This post was last modified on জানুয়ারি ১৮, ২০১৭ 8:52 pm

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