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The world is shocked by the miracle of twins!

The Dhaka Times Desk The whole world is shocked to see such a miracle of twins. The story of the twins spread through the online news media!

যমজ শিশুর অলৌকিক কাণ্ড দেখে হতভম্ব বিশ্ব! 1

We know that if a baby is born at the right age from the mother's womb, it can survive normally - that is normal. But if a baby is born in just 5 months, it is almost impossible for him to survive. Only Miracle i.e. God can save him.

Twins made the 'impossible' really possible. The combined weight of the two is only one and a half kilograms. The twins were born in the mother's womb at only 25 weeks. The people of this world are the witnesses of this miraculous rare event of survival.

These twin children are named Lewis and Logan, who are the miracles that set the world apart by capitalizing on the power of the mind. Louise and Logan were born in February 2015 at a hospital in Kentire, Northern Scotland.

Shortly after the birth, the doctor said that the twins could live for some time. Danley, the baby's mother, couldn't believe it. Both the twins fought against death second after second, minute after minute and even hour after hour.

Finally, the doctor and Danley used the plastic wrapping method together. Doctors said that the death rate of children in these incidents is almost 100 percent. Plastic wrapping and sandwich bag method saved two children! The babies were wrapped in plastic wrapping and placed on sandwich bags. By doing this, the body of the two children would be warm. By luck or by miracle, they really survive.

The story of survival is told by nurse Lynn (34), who is in charge of the two children. "When they were born, their bodies looked like water," he said. Blood, bones, veins were visible. At first I thought they didn't seem alive. They really did miracles. We could not think that they would do such a miracle.'

According to Daily Mail, they were released from the hospital after 4 weeks. Currently they are two years old. Now they are physically healthy. Growing up naturally with mother's immense care.

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