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Mild electrical shocks to the brain enhance mathematical problem solving

The Dhaka Times Desk There are many people in the world who are very afraid of mathematics. In fact, solving mathematical problems or solving mathematical problems is basically an indicator of talent. A few psychologists at Oxford University claim that mild electric shocks to the brain improve mathematical problem-solving skills.


The study was conducted among 51 students at Oxford University. The researchers tasked them with 2 mathematical problems to measure their problem-solving skills and learning rate. Tasks are given 5 days to solve. The group of students is divided into 2 groups – one with 25 students and the other with 26 students. Every day researchers in the brains of 25 students Transcranial Random Noise Stimulation (TRNS) applied stimulation. The researchers were surprised to find that 25 students who applied TRNS improved their mathematical problem-solving skills compared to a group of 26 students. The TRNS-implemented team of 25 people was able to solve two mathematical problem-solving tasks 27 percent faster.

Experimental Psychologist at Oxford Dr. Roy Cohen Kadosh led the research. He said, “With just 5 days of training and research, we have been able to improve brain function through painless brain stimulation. Our aim is to help the poor people who are 20% of the country. But for this we need to increase the scope of research. Its impact on general population, ecological impact has to be dealt with. Of course, much more work remains to be done. But it is a door to new possibilities.”

The assumption is that the research is proven to be effective and safe Electrical stimulation Applied in the clinic, classroom, or to those who find mathematical problem solving difficult. TRNS made its debut a few years ago. But how it affects the brain is still unclear. It is thought that TRNS exerts direct effects on neurons. The study of electric shock on the brain is seen by many as positive. May not have to worry about complex solutions in near future. New vistas of fast and efficient solutions are opening up.

References: The Tech Journal

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