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There is no place for corpses in 5 cities! But why?

The local administration has banned death because there is no place for the dead!

The Dhaka Times Desk The eternal truth is that human life, like all other animals, is not eternal. If you are born, you will die. Surprisingly, there are 5 cities in the world where there is no place for the dead!

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The local administration has banned the death as there is no place for the dead. Let's know the name and identity of those 5 cities of the world.

Longyearbyen, Norway

For a strange reason, death has been banned in Norway's Longyearbyen area. Due to the complete ice cover, no corpses decompose in this area of Norway. Even dead bodies buried many years ago are found here in a completely intact state. In 1917, the country's scientists found live influenza germs from the skin cells of a person who died of influenza. That is why there is no place to bury dead bodies in this strange city. Due to which the local administration is forced to ban death in this city. So it has become a custom here to send sick, elderly people to other cities in Norway before they die!

Falciano del Massico, Italy

Falciano del Massico is a small town in Italy. There is no burial ground in this area. That is why death is forbidden in this city. If anyone is seriously ill here, he is taken to a nearby town. If he died there, he was buried in that city!

Itsukushima, Japan

Itsukushima in Japan is considered a holy place. After the battle of Miyajima in 1555, the prohibition of death began here. Many people died in the war. The order of the victorious king was to take all the dead bodies out of the city of Itsukushima. He did this with defeated soldiers. The soil soaked in blood was also removed. Every house was cleaned. From 1878, death was completely banned in Itsukushima, Japan. Here too, terminally ill or dying passengers were taken outside of Itsukushima.

Sarpurenaux, France

Death is prohibited in this French city due to limited cemetery space. This issue went to court. However, the court rejected the plea to expand the city. That is why death is forbidden in the French city of Serpurenaux.

Celia, Italy

Celia is a region of Italy. As the region's population has declined significantly over the past few decades, local mayor David Zichinella has enacted a law banning deaths in the area. Apart from prohibiting death, this law also imposes fines if one does not take care of the body of an elderly person!

It is known that in the sixties, the population of Selia was about 2000. Currently only 560 inhabitants live in this city. Most of them are in their 70s. If this continues, Celia will become desolate very quickly. So the local mayor David was forced to make such a law to prevent this situation.

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