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If you post the video on Facebook, you will get money!

Facebook has decided to make further improvements to its video platform

The Dhaka Times Desk Facebook offers more facilities. Facebook has decided to make further improvements to its video platform. This time the publishers of the video will also get money from Facebook.

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Basically, such a decision has been taken to improve the content of the video. Under this new system, publishers will get paid once a video is viewed for at least 3 seconds. However, if a video is not viewed a 'minimum' number of times, the video will be removed. Social giant Facebook will start using such a new algorithm.

It will detect how valuable a video is and rank it in the user's news feed. "Today, we're announcing a change to how we rank videos in the News Feed to add value, based on how many times a video has been viewed," Facebook said in a recent blog post. But here the question was to see how users are taking videos. According to the company, most Facebook pages won't see significant changes due to this update, but longer videos that people spend more time on may get slightly more views on Facebook.

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