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Top five richest countries, Singapore at first position

The Dhaka Times Desk The list of the five richest countries in the world has been published in the current world recession and where the unemployment rate is at a record high. Although the world is plagued with various problems including scarcity, poverty, unemployment, some countries have strengthened their economic power more than before. Here is a list of five such rich countries. The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has released the names of these five countries based on GDP and purchasing power from the world's 50 largest economies. You may not be surprised if you hear some names among them.


Fifth: Switzerland, per capita income $46,474
The fifth place in the list is Switzerland, which is also the second richest country in Europe. Despite the slowdown in the European economy, the Swiss economy is in good shape, growing its GDP by 3% from the 2010 fiscal year, up from an estimated 0.9% in 2012. The main driver of the Swiss economy is Swiss drug company Novartis, whose share price has increased by 45% this year since the last financial year. IMF estimates that the country's per capita income will increase to 54 thousand dollars in 2018.


Fourth: United Arab Emirates, per capita income $49,883
UAE is making good money by exporting oil to Middle Eastern countries. Meanwhile, as a result of oil exports, the per capita income of the country's people has greatly increased. Dubai, the main city of this country, has attracted tourists as one of the most attractive cities in the world. The United Arab Emirates is a country surrounded by desert whose economy depends on the country's mineral wealth, oil. Foreign investment in the country has increased significantly since 2011, which analysts see as a major factor behind the country's economic prosperity. According to IMF statistics, the country's per capita income may increase to 57 thousand dollars in 2018.


Third: United States, per capita income $51,248
All investors are acting as the main driving force of the US economy. Because investors think the US is the safest place to invest. The current unemployment rate in the country is 7.5%. In spite of this, the people of the country are living a rich life. Experts say the country will be able to take its economic position further up ahead. In 2018, the per capita income of US citizens could reach 63 thousand dollars, according to the IMF.


Second: Norway, per capita income $56,663
Norway is Europe's new rich nation. Like Switzerland, Norway's economy remained stable during the European debt crisis. Norway's economy is based on the country's oil resources, with a GDP growth of 0.7% in 2013. But while some Norwegian experts fear that the country's emphasis on oil resources will threaten the economy going forward, Norway is currently in the right place. And the country's per capita income will exceed $66,000 by 2018, the IMF has indicated.


First: Singapore, per capita income $61,567
The rise of Singapore as a business center and tax haven. According to research firm WealthInsight, the country will overtake Switzerland as the world's largest business center by 2020. The current standard of living of Singaporeans is indicative of this with a per capita income of US$61,567. In recent times the country has emerged as one of the fastest growing economic powers in the world.

Singapore is now called the economic giant of Southeast Asia due to foreign investment. Its economy is likely to grow stronger in the coming years, with per capita income expected to rise to $77,000 by 2018. In addition, Singapore is in a good position in terms of index funds, which have increased by 22 percent compared to last year. Exchange Traded Funds have also grown unexpectedly over the past 2 years, particularly in equities and real estate. Although not like index funds, it also has potential to grow in the near future.


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