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Do you know how old the world's oldest tree is?

A bit of exceptional news is one of the world's oldest trees

The Dhaka Times Desk We sometimes see the news of old people. But today there is a little exceptional news. The story of the world's oldest tree!

পৃথিবীর সবচেয়ে বয়ষ্ক গাছের বয়স কতো জানেন? 1

As the news is printed about the age of people, so sometimes the news comes out about the age of animals and birds. But this time, a little exceptional news is about an old tree in the world. Do you know how old the old tree is? About 5 thousand years!

We may not have much idea about the maximum age a tree can be. Naturally, we have seen that banyan trees are very old. It can be hundreds of years or more. That is, it can be up to 500 years. But when you hear that a tree is about 5,000 years old, you may be surprised, and that's normal.

It is known that there is a tree in the White Mountains of the United States whose age may surprise you. The scientific name of that tree is Pinus longaeva. The tree is named Methulus, a Great Basin bisulcone pine variety. Methulus is the name of the oldest character in the Bible. Methulus of the Bible was 969 years old.

But the age of the Methulus tree is much, much older than that. Scientists have calculated that Methulus was born 2832 years before the birth of Jesus Christ. That is, long before the construction of the pyramid! So it is calculated that the current age of this tree is 4844 years!


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