The Dhaka Times Desk Only 17 years old. But at such a young age, at least 30 people have been killed. Recently, this little man-killer was caught in the police net.
The incident happened in Colombia, South America. That teenager named Frijolito, a resident of Kaili area, is a terrible teenage serial killer. After 4 months of continuous special operations, it was possible to arrest this killer.
Columbia police said Frizzolito was convicted of murder when he was just 12 years old. Most recently, he killed a couple in a shopping center in Kaili area. In the eyes of the police, this dangerous 'teenager' became the 'boss' of one of his killer gangs at a young age. The other members of the group were older than him. Frizzolito's group is involved in drug trafficking, murder and various terrorist activities.
Today's sensational and thrilling offender is housed in a juvenile detention facility. But he will be sent to jail only when he turns 18 years old.
This post was last modified on ফেব্রুয়ারি ৭, ২০১৭ 3:26 pm
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