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A terrible tear story

How can one imagine that this beautiful and innocent looking bird can be so dangerous>


The Dhaka Times Desk Tia is on the list of people's favorite pet birds. Who can imagine that this beautiful and harmless bird can be so dangerous!

এক ভয়ংকর টিয়ার গল্প 1

According to media reports, there is a type of Tia bird in New Zealand which is dangerous and carnivorous. Anyone who sees the face of this tear will understand the truth.

The tear was discovered by Sir David Attenborough and a BBC cameraman named Kia. They recorded this tearful video. The appearance of these birds is a little different from the ten common tias that we usually see. Their lips and eating habits are completely different. Green and grayish brown in color, this tea is a bit larger, about 48 cm tall.

Only in the southern alpine region of New Zealand is this rare mountain teal named Kia found. The world's only carnivore, the tita is a bird-lovers attraction that draws tourists from all over the world to New Zealand. These rare birds are mainly known for their intelligence and curious nature.

It is known that their colonies have developed on the seashore or in mountain holes. Fluffy and fleshy chicks grow in holes in the soil. In the wild, these birds mainly live together in groups and colonies in certain areas. Usually wild rodents or insects are their first choice as food. However, when the food shortage starts with the change of season, their violence becomes extreme. Then the chicks of the colony became their main target. While the full-grown tiaras of this species are busy hunting fish in the sea in search of food, some groups of tiaras pounce on other tiara cubs in search of food!

Their lips are so sharp that anything can tear them off in an instant. They follow the sound to find which nest the chicks are alone without their mother bird. Sometimes they have to dig holes in the ground because their colony nests are deep in the ground. They pull out the chicks of their own species with their sharp beaks like blades. Then the food festival went on in groups!

Not only that, these tiyas are so ferocious that sometimes they try to eat the flesh of living animals by biting them. And so they are called terrible tea.

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