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A Pakistani teenager's strange case! [video]

Became an internet sensation for his uncanny ability to 'poke the eye out of Kotor'

The Dhaka Times Desk No matter how many things people do. Seeing these feats really makes one feel bitter. Today there is a strange case of a Pakistani teenager! Watch the video.

এক পাকিস্তানী কিশোরের উদ্ভট কাণ্ড! [ভিডিও] 1

This 14-year-old from Lahore, Pakistan has become an internet sensation for his uncanny ability to 'poke the eye out of Kotor'.

According to a report of NDTV, the teenager named Ahmed Ali is 10 meters away from his eyes. Mr. Take it out!

Ahmed Ali told the media, last year I touched my eye and saw that it came out of the eyeball. At first I thought I must have damaged my eyes. But later I saw that there was no damage to the eyes.

Ahmed Ali's video has received a huge response on social media. Kishore Ahmed Ali plans to register his name in the Guinness Book of Records for this exceptional talent.

Watch the video

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