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Now you can find any picture on Facebook like Google!

You can easily find the one you want to see from the billions of Facebook photos

The Dhaka Times Desk Facebook is going to bring new features. From now on, you can find that picture by writing the content of the picture on Facebook. Much like Google Photos.

এবার ফেসবুকে যে কোনও ছবি খোঁজা যাবে গুগলের মতোই! 1

You can easily find the one you want to see from the billions of Facebook photos. The name of this new technology is 'Lumos'. Provision has been made for those who are interested in knowing about the picture through the description of the contents of the picture. That's why anyone can easily find their collected photos uploaded on Facebook over the years.

The subject of these pictures can be scenes, animals, places, favorite things and even clothes. If you search by typing 'black shirt photo', Facebook will show you all the photos that contain black shirts. Similarly, if you search by writing the name of an animal or animal, the pictures of that animal will come up.

However, Facebook is working to add more new options or innovations in this technology. For example: people are walking, dancing or riding a horse etc. by writing the related pictures will match. This system is not unique to Facebook. Similar features are available in Google Photos.

Facebook says it will use artificial intelligence to find videos in the future. But for now this benefit is available to Facebook users in America. But very soon all the options will be open for everyone.

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