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Parambrata sings with Abhinaya in 'Bhuban Majhi' [VIDEO]

Film 'Bhuban Majhi' made with government grant of Bangladesh

The Dhaka Times Desk Indian actor Parambrata Chattopadhyay has played playback as well as acting in the film 'Bhuvan Majhi', which was funded by the government of Bangladesh.

পরমব্রত অভিনয়ের সঙ্গে গাইলেন ‘ভুবন মাঝি’তে [ভিডিও] 1

The lyrics of the song sung by Parambrata are 'The Padma river boats came to the banks of the Hooghly river / Arshinagar settled near the house'.

Parambrata Chatterjee is excited about this song. Recently the audio of the song was released on YouTube. The lyrics of the song are written by Akash Chakraborty. Composed by Kalika Prasad.

Of course, Parambrata has sung before this as well. Parambrata's last song in the film was in 'Chaya Manoos' with music and tunes by Anupam Roy.

পরমব্রত অভিনয়ের সঙ্গে গাইলেন ‘ভুবন মাঝি’তে [ভিডিও] 2

It is to be noted that the film 'Bhuvan Majhi' produced with government grant is releasing in the month of March. The movie 'Bhuban Majhi' is directed by Fakhrul Arefin. Other actors of the film are - Aparna Ghosh, Majnun Mizan etc.

Watch the video of the song

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